Installing an Infrared Remote Control on the IR100

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Revision as of 21:21, 13 September 2009 by Philipp (talk | contribs)
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(Please EDIT if you see something wrong)

1- You have to have shell access to your radio, follow this tutorial:

2- Do your own IR receiver circuit (see The Receiver Circuit)

3- The IR receiver must be connected to barracuda card on GPIO pin GPG6 (point present on the long J2 connector Pin 5). sources:

4- Activate IR: you will need shell access to your radio (see 1- ) to change the configuration file

Log into the radio (Start / Run / then type CMD / type TELNET) :

       type OPEN 192.168.x.x (this is your radio ip)

then enter user & password = “admin”

       type CD HWCONFIG

To look in hwconfig /root or /root/hwconfig, depending on the firmware version of your radio

       Type LS

Find your configxxxx.txt file (The xxxx is the Hardware Id, which you can find in 'Configure / Version / Hardware ID')

       type mount / -orw,remount

Issue this command to unprotect the partition

       Type vi configxxxx.txt

to edit the configxxxx.txt file

       Type i

to enter Insert mode

Adds these lines add the end, if they aren't yet present:

       # Infrared Remote related modules
       LIRC Module: /root/lirc_dev.o
       LIRC Module: lirc_barracuda Double Check your edits 

Hit <ESC> to leave Insert Mode and enter Command mode

       Type :w<ENTER>

To write current file (if you are sure and wish to save it)

       Type :q!<ENTER>

To exit vi

       type sync;mount / -oro,remount

To Write protect the drive

Reboot the radio
